You can probably find anything at the Flea Market! Although "officially" open April 1 through October 31, the vendors usually stay open as long as the weather allows! Located just east of Altamont on Rt. 40 at the former "Goersville" area. Open on Satudays and Sundays.
Do u enjoy flea markets? Altamont is a great place to spend the day. Theres a variety of items as there are 40 plus vendors at Gregory's flea market. Country items, antiques, huntin' and fishin' things, things for camping, small appliances, large appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washers or dryers, etc. New clothes, vintage clothes, a tie-dye shop, jewelry, all kinds of furniture, some new, some like new and also fixer-uppers! One thing there interesting was a booth of metal yard ornaments! There is a very nice sports bar next door and just over the hill is the State of Il. Ballard's Nature Center with a nice indoor exibit of plants, animals and insects native to the area. There is truly something in the area for everyone! Have some FUN!